Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Recipes, new Blogs, and CakePops!!!

First off, how is it February already?  Where did January go?  I can't say I miss it much, but that month really did just fly by a little too quickly!  So what have I been busy with?  Good question, I'm not really sure.  

I can tell you what I've been busy with this past week.  CAKEPOPS!!!!  you know the brand new phenomenon that has shoved Cupcakes to the back of the confections stage!  Don't get me wrong, I still love cupcakes (Lamb's on Garden home, you've won my heart forever) .. but cakepops are FUN to make...  and easy and quite honestly don't require any real baking talent, not to say that I don't have that kind of talent...  but still, anything that is easy and can be done with boxed cake mix...  yes please!  
So anyways, cakepops...  super easy to make... in theory!!!  BUT...  its time consuming.... its lot of steps...  lots of waiting for this, waiting for that, cooling this, mixing that, rolling this, dipping that, drying this, packaging that :)  So if you don't mind that kind of busy work (which i obviously dont)... then Cakepops are your kind of fun!  I volunteered to make my sister's "school friends" each a cakepop for Valentine's day.  A hallmark holiday that I don't personally believe in... but if it gives me an excuse to make something in bulk quantity and show off my inner bakerista... then yah, i'll do it up for Vday!  my sister is in med-school so her school friends include her whole graduating class... there are about 120 of them...  but she said, just to be safe, why don't you make 130.  okay Sister!  if you say so.  So here I am, freshly or should i say FINALLY finished from making 130 cakepops. (136 to be exact, oh, actually 135 because i couldn't resist "trying" one)  I'd be lying if I didn't admit to having a slight sense of .... AWESOMENESS that I finished all of that... 3 days before my intended delivery date :)  Anyhow, now that those are done... I can rest.... but only just for a couple days... because in a couple weeks...  I have another huge order to fulfill, this time, for a sweet friend's baby shower!  Good times...

What else have I been busy with?  Well, as one of my New Year.... goals... I wanted to cook more.  Cooking for 2 is such a pain!  I dread it.  Have me cook for 6 or more people, sure, great, love it.  Have me cook for husby and I... no thanks!  But... as any good year starts, I try to stick to my "goals".... so here we are... constantly searching for new recipes for something to try to make that not only Brad will eat and enjoy (he's not picky and says everything i make is delish, LIAR) ...  but that I'll also enjoy and not feel compelled to drive out to Sonic or Taco Del Mar afterwards for some actual food that tastes good... even if it's super unhealthy, greasy, and just plain bad for you... at least it tastes good and satisfies my tastebuds :)  Anyhow, a dear friend of mine pointed me to a new blog that she's been following. ... Its Wonderful!!!  I've tried 2 recipes thus far and both have turned out  SO yummy!   I made the pumpkin Pecan Crunch muffins and got compliments from my family (harsh critics)... and I made the Beef Stew last night.... YUM... Even I got seconds... and I don't even like beef. :)  I also had it for dinner tonight as well.  Yum yum yum!!!  I plan on trying out more of her other recipes soon.  But how exciting to find a blog with recipes that are not only delicious... but fairly easy to make!  

What other things to look forward to in the coming weeks?  A bend trip with a big group of friends from college.... Yay!  IT should be fun.. .assuming no drama... but any trip with a big group of friends always has some drama :)   I just hope it doesn't ruin the trip for anyone... it certainly won't be ruining my time... its a huge house, with a gourmet kitchen, a huge master bedroom (that we get to stay in)... and a hottub... nothing can ruin my mini-vacation :)  To top it off, I was in charge of food/meal planning...  any girl's dream... right???  okay, well, maybe not any girl... but this girl's!  YAY!!!  

What else?  Oh Yes!!!! FONDUE FEBRUARY!!!!  A couple good girlfriends of mine and I decided to have a once a month dinner get-together...  and this month we're having Fondue!!!  Yummy!  So far on the menu, beer cheese fondue and chocolate fondue (recipe found from that blog i was talking about) ....  we're still in search of another kind...  i'll have to scope out all the blogs I follow and see what they have to offer.  :)  We're trying to go with theming each month's meal with a food or theme that starts with the same letter as the month... so since next month is March... that means we're going to come up with something that starts with an M... i suggested mash potatoes or Meatloaf... no one responded to those suggestions... i guess its a no go?   I happen to enjoy both of those things.... :)  Maybe I'll try and persuade them.  I make a mean meatloaf!!!

Other than these things...  I've just had the normal life things go on...  watching my little baby grow into a not so little baby :)  what a treat to see how she's changing everyday.  That girl has got some serious Sass!!!!  I wonder where she gets that from?  My Husband?  haha.

Until next time...
